Our Sound Bath shenanigans at Facebook

The Sound Bath App
3 min readNov 3, 2016

Last week, we had the honor of sharing a sound meditation at Facebook HQ in Menlo Park.

Just a few months ago, we were brainstorming ways we could share sound baths— and we thought, why not bring it to the places we feel stress the most? Why not bring clarity and calm to our offices?

Nonetheless, we were surprised (and delighted) when one of the first people to ask about corporate offerings was the leader of the yoga club at Facebook! Thank you Tim!

Tim gathered enthusiasm at Facebook for a sound bath, and booked us a month out. We were shy to share because, truthfully, it wasn’t until the day before we realized— we’re ACTUALLY going to facebook.

We showed up in a van full of all our equipment— neither of us had either ever been to Facebook before (though we heard rumors they basically build their own city).

Tim, our champion, snagged a bunch of yoga mats and reserved a conference room:

So there we were, at about 5:15, 15 minutes before our show, asking the eternal question,

“So…is anyone going to come?”.

Tim kept our expectations low, saying he’d be happy if 20 people arrived. We would have been, too, and the slow stream of people checking in suggested he’d would be right.

Except about three minutes before the event, we started to fill up. Past the capacity of all of our yoga mats, to the point we were squeezing people into the sides and in front of the instruments!

50 people showed up to our first Facebook sound bath!

Guy noticed how excited everyone was about the experience. True, some people looked a nervous and unsure, not knowing what to expect, or how to lie down, but they came out looking delighted.

Creating such an experience in an office environment was profound; this was the transition out of most people’s workdays, and you could really see the tension fade from their faces.

Afterwards, Simona met one of the ladies who had participated, and learned that she had rearranged her whole schedule— including asking her husband to take care of the kids— in order to make it. This was the first she’d done that for a wellness event.

She confided that she had no idea why it had been so difficult for her to prioritize her well being and make time for herself, but that she was going to do so more frequently. To take a stand for women everywhere, she said, and let them know it was okay.

Feeling pretty satisfied, we then packed up our chimes, singing bowls, gongs, and noisy drums— and amused security throughout our whole load out.

That was fun :)

Sending love,
Simona & Guy

ps: keep us in mind if you want to book us at your office ;)



The Sound Bath App

We promote the practice of reaching deep, trance-like states of meditation with the aid of sound. All online / streaming 24/7. www.thesoundbathapp.com